66 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Process Monitoring and Integrity
6.10.5 Process Integrity Interval
This is the interval in seconds between executions of the PIE.
Values: 0 - 65535, where 0 indicates that the PIE only gets executed once.
Default: 3600.
ProcessIntegrityInterval = 3600
6.10.6 Chassis Applicability
This is a list of chassis types on which this particular Pie should be run. The list is comma
delimited. Spaces are ignored. If this key is not present, then the Pie will run on all chassis.
Values: MPCHC0001, ZT5085, MPCHC5085, ZT5088, MPCHC5088, ZT5089, MPCHC5089,
ZT5090, MPCHC5090, ZT5091, MPCHC5091.
ChassisApplicability = MPCHC0001, ZT5085, MPCHC5085, ZT5088, MPCHC5088,
ZT5089, MPCHC5089, ZT5090, MPCHC5090, ZT5091, MPCHC5091
6.10.7 PmsPieSnmp Command Line
The command line usage of PmsPieSnmp is:
PmsPieSnmp [-f SuccessiveFailureNumber]
-f : This is the number of allowed successive integrity failures before the PMS performs recovery
on the faulting process. PMS performs recovery on "this number + 1".
Values: 1 - 100. Default = 3
For Example
PmsPieSnmp -f2
PmsPieSnmp -f 2
6.10.8 SNMP PIE Section of pms.ini
ProcessIntegrityExecutable = ./PmsPieSnmp -f2
UniqueID = 176
AdminState = 1
ProcessIntegrityInterval = 300