64 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Process Monitoring and Integrity
ProcessSeverity = 2
RecoveryAction = 2
ProcessRestartEscalationAction = 2
ProcessRestartEscalationNumber = 5
ProcessRestartEscalationInterval = 300 Syslog Daemon
UniqueID = 102
CommandLine = /sbin/syslogd
StartCommandLine = /sbin/syslogd
AdminState = 1
ProcessExistenceInterval = 2
ProcessRampUpTime = 5
ProcessSeverity = 1
RecoveryAction = 2
ProcessRestartEscalationAction = 2
ProcessRestartEscalationNumber = 5
ProcessRestartEscalationInterval = 300
6.10 Process Integrity Executable (PIE) Specific Data Config
This data applies to each Process Integrity Executable (PIE). One PIE may monitor multiple CMM
processes or only one CMM process. There will be one set of this data for each PIE.
The following information describes each of the fields in the PIE specific section. Lines with a '*'
prefix, indicate the actual fields (the prefix is not part of the field name).
6.10.1 PIE Section Name
The section name MUST follow the pattern "PmsPieXXX" where XXX is a number from 176 to
200 inclusive. PmsPie section names must be unique but are NOT significant in any other way.
Specifically, they are NOT required to match the UniqueID field for the section.