
MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 125
Front Panel LEDs
12.4 Retrieving the State of LEDs
The state of an LED on a location can be retrieved using the command:
cmmget -l [location] -t [LED] -d ledstate
12.5 Setting the State of the User LEDs
The state of the User LEDs on the CMM or other FRUs can be changed using the ledstate set
command. Here is the syntax and the table below lists the function values and options:
cmmset -l [location] -t [LED] -d ledstate -v [function],[function options]
cmmset -l cmm -t “userled1” -d ledstate -v blink,300,700,green
This sets the CMM’s user1 LED to blinking green with an off duration of 300 ms and an on
duration of 700 ms. The following table list functions that can be used when setting the state of
The all_leds target can also be used to set all User LEDs on the FRU to the specified value(s). For
example, to set all four user LEDs to ‘on’ and the color ‘green’ use the following command:
cmmset -l cmm -t 'all_leds' -d ledstate -v on,green
Note: The ledstate dataitem on the all_leds target is a set-only item. Doing a cmmget -d ledstate on
all_leds target will return an error.
The following are possible values for function options:
color = one of blue, red, green, amber, orange, white, default, nochange
offtime = the time in milliseconds that the LED is in the off cycle of a blink. Granularity=10
ms Min=10 ms Max=2500 ms
ontime = the time in milliseconds that the LED is in the on cycle of a blink. Granularity=10
ms Min=10 ms Max=2500 ms
duration = the duration of the lamp test in milliseconds. Granularity=100 ms Min=100 ms
Max=12700 ms
Table 54. Ledstate Functions and Function Options
[function] values description [function options]
Turns the target LED(s) off. no options
Turns the target LED(s) on.
Makes the target LED(s)
blink at the specified rate.
Puts the target LED(s) into
lamp test mode for the
specified time.
Puts the target LED(s) back
into normal operation.
no options