MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 91
The Command Line Interface (CLI)
Used to set or query the
adminstrative state of the PMS
as a whole or an individual
monitored process. A target of
“PmsGlobal” will get/set the
state of the PMS as a whole. A
target of “PmsProc[#]” will get/
set the unique state of an
individual process, where # is
the unique process number for
the process. A target of
"PmsPie[#]" will get/set the
unique state of an PIE, where
# is the unique pie number.
AdminState is CMM-specific
and is not synced between
CMMs. It allows individual
control of each CMMs
adminstate and can be set on
either active or standby CMM.
Both "1:Unlocked" or "2:Locked"
1 = Unlocked
2 = Locked
Used to set or query the
recovery action of a PMS
monitored process. This is
only valid for a target of
"PmsProc[#]. Where "#" is the
unique number for the
"1:No Action", "2:Process Restart", "3:
Failover and Restart", or "4:Failover
and Reboot"
1 = No Action
2 = Process Restart
3 = Failover and
4 = Failover and
Used to set or query the
process restart escalation
action. This is only valid for a
target of "PmsProc[#]. Where
"#" is the unique number for
the process.
Both "1:No Action", "2:Failover and Reboot"
1 = No Action
2 = Failover and
Used to query the process
name and associated
command line arguments for a
monitored process. A target of
"PmsProc[#]” will retrieve the
name of an individual process,
where "#" is the unique
number for the process.
"PmsPie[#]" will retrieve
the path and command line
arguments, of the PIE to be
executed periodically.
Used to query the operational
state of a monitored process.
An operational state of
disabled indicates that the
process has failed and cannot
be recovered. This is valid for
a target of "PmsProc[#]” and
“PmsGlobal”, where "#" is the
unique number for the
process, and PmsGlobal
refers to the OpState for all of
PMS. This is also valid for a
target of Pie[#].
Get "1:Enabled", "2:Disabled" N/A
Table 27. Dataitem Keywords for Cmm Location (Sheet 6 of 7)
dataitem Description
CLI Get Output Valid Set Values