120 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Health Events
Note: PMS Info events are only written to the SEL, not SNMP traps, healthevents, LEDs, or telco alarms.
11.4.3 Chassis Location
11.5 IPMI Error Completion Codes
Whereas versions of firmware prior to 5.2 gave a single error message for any IPMI
communication issue, Version 5.2 firmware and above implements more granular IPMI error code
reporting, allowing the return of the exact IPMI error code that is returned by the IPMI message
response. This is specified in the IPMI 1.5 specification as the first byte in the data field of the
IPMI response. This allows more accurate analysis to be done in regards to the IPMI
communication between the CMM and a IPMI sensor/device.
The following table shows the IPMI Completion codes from the IPMI 1.5 specification as well as
their respective enumeration and error message given by the CMM.
Table 48. Process Monitoring Service Info Event Strings (PMS Info)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
"Take no action specified for recovery" 0x0179 377 User-Configurable
"Attempting process restart recovery action" 0x017A 378 User-Configurable
"Attempting process failover & restart recovery action" 0x017B 379 User-Configurable
"Attempting process failover & reboot recovery action" 0x017C 380 User-Configurable
"Take no action specified for escalated recovery" 0x017D 381 User-Configurable
"Attempting failover & reboot escalated recovery action" 0x017E 382 User-Configurable
"Process restart recovery failure" 0x017F 383 User-Configurable
"Failover & reboot recovery failure" 0x0180 384 User-Configurable
"Recovery failure due to excessive restarts" 0x0181 385 User-Configurable
"Failover & reboot escalated recovery failure" 0x0182 386 User-Configurable
"Internal fault detected; monitoring disabled" 0x0183 387 User-Configurable
Table 49. Chassis Events
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
"cmm.sif file not found. Cannot scan CMM sensors." 0x0101 257 Major
"chassis.sif file not found. Cannot scan Chassis sensors." 0x0102 258 Major