MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 25
Redundancy, Synchronization, and Failover
3.5 Datasync Status Sensor
A sensor named “Datasync Status” exists in order to make the Datasync state information available
to the user. This sensor tracks the status of the Datasync module and will make its status available
through the various CMM interfaces. This sensor is used to query the data synchronization states,
and log SEL events for initial synchronization complete event. It is a discrete OEM sensor with
status bits representing the state of different parts of the Datasync module.
Note: The Datasync Status sensor can only be queried through the active CMM.
3.5.1 Sensor bitmap
When the Datasync starts the first time through in a dual CMM system and whenever the CMM
changes between Active and Standby, the status bits are all cleared to 0x0000.
• Bit 0 (Running) is set when the datasync module is active.
• Bit 1 (P1Done) is set when the priority 1 data syncs are done, and cleared when priority 1 data
needs to be synced.
• Bit 2 (P2Done) is set when the priority 2 data syncs are done, and cleared when a priority 2
data needs to be synced.
• Bit 3 (InitSyncDone) is set when both priority 1 and priority 2 data syncs are done, and stays
set (latches) until the CMM changes between Active and Standby, or looses contact with the
partner CMM.
• Bit 4 (SyncError) is set if an error was detected, and cleared when no data items have errors.
3.5.2 Event IDs
The “Datasync Status” sensor will use event ids 0x420 to 0x42f. The following new event ids are
used to log various events for these requirements. These event ID’s can be used to associated
scripts with the respective events.
3.5.3 Querying the Datasync Status
The status of the data synch sensor can be queried using the following CLI command:
cmmget –l cmm –t “Datasync Status” –d current
Output of the command is as follows:
Initial State:
The current value is 0x0001
Initial Data Synchronization is not complete.
There is Priority 1 data to sync.
Event Event ID
Initial Data Synchronization complete 0x420 (1056)