MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 153
12 b#TotalFrus DisplayString read-only Displays the total number of FRUs
13 b#IPMICommandRequest DisplayString read-write
Used to send any IPMI command to this
14 b#IPMICommandResponse DisplayString read-write
Used to read the response to the above
IPMI command.
Table 69. Blade#TargetTable/blade#TargetEntry ([1-16].51.1) (Sheet
1 of 2)
OID Object Syntax Access Value
1 b#Target DisplayString none index
2 b#Current DisplayString read-only The current value of a sensor.
3 b#ThresholdsAll DisplayString read-only All thresholds of a sensor.
4 b#UpperCritical DisplayString read-only Upper critical thresholds
5 b#UpperNonCritical DisplayString read-only Upper non-critical thresholds
6 b#LowerNonCritical DisplayString read-only Lower non-critical thresholds
7 b#LowerCritical DisplayString read-only Lower critical thresholds
8 b#UpperNonRecoverable DisplayString read-only Upper non recoverable thresholds
9 b#LowerNonRecoverable DisplayString read-only Lower non recoverable thresholds
14 b#SensorHealth INTEGER read-only
Health information about a particular
location/sensor. This will be one of the
following: (0-OK, 1-Minor, 2-Major, 3-
15 b#SensorHealthEvents DisplayString read-only
Events that contribute to the health of
the location/sensor. This is a list of
events happening on the location.
16 b#MinorAction
Used to configure user defined actions
when minor events occur.
17 b#MajorAction
Used to configure user defined actions
when major events occur.
18 b#CriticalAction
Used to configure user defined actions
when critical events occur.
19 b#NormalAction
Used to configure user defined actions
when normal events occur.
20 b#fruBoardDescription DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Board Description
from the FRU.
21 b#fruBoardManufacturer DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Board Manufacturer
from the FRU.
22 b#fruBoardPartNumber DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Board Part Number
from the FRU.
23 b#fruBoardSerialNumber DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Board Serial Number
from the FRU.
24 b#fruBoardManufactureDate DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Board Manufacture
Date from the FRU.
Table 68. Blade# Location ([1-16])
OID Object Syntax Access Value