154 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
25 b#fruProductDescription DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Product Description
from the FRU.
26 b#fruProductManufacturer DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Product Manufacturer
from the FRU.
27 b#fruProductPartNumber DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Product Part Number
from the FRU.
28 b#fruProductSerialNumber DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Product Serial
Number from the FRU.
29 b#fruProductManufactureDate DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Product Manufacture
Date from the FRU.
30 b#fruProductModel DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Product Model from
the FRU.
31 b#fruProductRevision DisplayString read-only
Used to read the Product Revision from
the FRU.
32 b#EventAction
Table 70. Blade#FruTable/blade#FruEntry ([1-16].52.1)
OID Object Syntax Access Value
1 b#FruNumber INTEGER none Index
3 b#FruHotSwapState DisplayString read-write
The hot swap state as read from the
FRU and the CMM's internally known
hot swap state.
4 b#FruLedProperties DisplayString read-only Find out what LEDs the FRU supports.
5 b#FruPowerLevels DisplayString read-only
Returns the power levels available for
a FRU and the number of watts drawn
by each.
6 b#FruPresentPowerLevel DisplayString read-write Get/Set the power level of an entity.
7 b#FRUActivation INTEGER read-write
Get/Set the activation state to either
activate or deactivate the FRU. The
Deactivate is the same as a Graceful
8 b#FRUActivationPolicy INTEGER read-write
Get/Set the locked bit of the activation
9 b#FRUControl INTEGER write-only
Set the FRU to do things like Cold
Reset, Warm Reset, etc. See
AdvancedTCA for possibilities.
10 b#FRUDeactivationPolicy INTEGER read-write
Table 69. Blade#TargetTable/blade#TargetEntry ([1-16].51.1) (Sheet
2 of 2)
OID Object Syntax Access Value