184 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
Null-terminated string showing the
version of SNMP traps the CMM is
currently set for.
[v1 or v3] /0
Human-readable unhealthy blade, cmm
and/or chassis information, containing a
list of blades, cmms and/or chassis with a
health status of Critical, Major, and Minor.
If there are no items in a particular
category, "None” is reported.
Lines are separated by linefeeds with a
null-terminator at the end. Each colon is
followed by one space and a space-
delimited list of blade numbers and the
word "chassis” for chassis health
Critical: [None or Blade# and/or chassis
and/or cmm] /n
Major: [None or Blade# and/or chassis
and/or cmm] /n
Minor: [None or Blade# and/or chassis
and/or cmm] /n /0
Critical: None
Major: None
Minor: 8 chassis
Null-terminated string containing the
version of the CMM firmware.
AdminState "1:Unlocked" or "2:Locked"
Used to set or query the administrative
state of PMS as a whole, an individual
monitored process. A target of
"PmsGlobal" will set the state of the PMS
as a whole. A target of “PmsProc[#] will
set the state of an individual process.
Where "#" is the unique number for the
AdminState is CMM-specific and is not
synced between CMMs. It allows
individual control of each CMMs
adminstate and can be set on either
active or standby CMM.
"1:No Action", "2:Process Restart",
"3:Failover and Restart", or "4:Failover
and Reboot"
Used to set or query the recovery action
of a PMS monitored process. This is only
valid for a target of "PmsProc[#]. Where
"#" is the unique number for the process.
Table 82. String Response Formats (Sheet 4 of 5)
Dataitem Return Format Example