118 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Health Events
“Update of /etc failed.” 0x0A4 164 Critical
“Restore of /etc files failed.” 0x0A5 165 Critical
“Software update failed.” 0x0A6 166 Critical
“FPGA re-programmed 2 times and no further lockup detected.” 0x0B4 180 Minor
“FPGA re-programmed 3 times and no further lockup detected.” 0x0B5 181 Minor
“FPGA re-programming has failed.” 0x0B6 182 Critical
“FPGA re-programmed more than 3 times and lockup still
0x0B7 183 Critical
“Dynamic FLASH image corruption detected.” 0x0B8 184 Critical
“Static Redboot image is corrupt.” 0x0B9 185 Critical
“Static BlueCat image is corrupt.” 0x0BA 186 Critical
“Static FPGA image is corrupt.” 0x0BB 187 Critical
"CPLD firmware outdated." 0x0BC 188 Minor
"RTC battery power lost." 0x0BE 189 Critical
"I2C failure while reading RTC." 0x0BF 190 Critical
"PBI frequency was not 33MHz. Now recovered after the reset." 0x0150 336 OK
Table 44. Chassis Data Module (CDM [1,2])
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
“Removed” 0x0120 288 OK
"Inserted" 0x0121 289 OK
Table 45. Datasync Status
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
“Initial Data Synchronization complete” 0x420 1056 OK
Table 46. CMM Status Event Strings (CMM Status)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
“CMM is not ready.” 0x400 1024 Minor
“CMM is ready.” 0x401 1025 OK
Table 43. BIST Event Strings (Sheet 2 of 2)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal