
278 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Example CLI Commands
Query what LEDs are
supported by a FRU
cmmget -l blade5 -d ledproperties
LED support information:
Blade5 has control of hsled, led1,
Blade5 support 0 user leds
Query the color
support of an LED1
on a FRU
cmmget -l blade5 -t led1 -d ledcolorprops
Information on the colors supported
by an LED:
led1 supports red,green,amber
Default local control color is green
Default override color is red
Query the current
state of LED1 on a
cmmget -l blade5 -t led1 -d ledstate
Current LED state information:
led1 is in localcontrol mode
function is on
color is green
Set LED1 on a FRU
to blink green, 900ms
off, 100ms on
cmmset -l blade5 -t led1 -d ledstate -v
Success or failure
Get a FRU’s
supported power
cmmget -l blade5 -d powerlevels
The FRU’s steady state power
AdvancedTCA FRU Power Levels:
Power Level 1 = 152 watts
Query the CMM for
it’s power budget
cmmget -l cmm -d powerbudget
The shelf’s power budget:
Shelf Power Budget Distribution:
Feed #1 = 1322 Watts
Feed #2 = 1322 Watts
Feed #3 = 1474 Watts
Feed #4 = 1474 Watts
Query the shelf’s
cmmget -l chassis -d location
The shelf address information:
Shelf Address: lab bench
Set the shelf’s
cmmset -l chassis -d location -v “[location]” Success or Failure
Query the FRU’s
activation policy
cmmget -l bladeN -d fruactivationpolicy
Information about whether the
“Locked Bit” is set or not:
“Blade11 activation locked bit is set.
If in M1 Blade 11 cannot transition
to M2 until unlocked”
“Blade11 activation locked bit is not
set. Blade11 can transition from M1
to M2”
Set the FRU
activation policy
cmmset -l bladeN -d fruactivationpolicy -v [0-1] Success or Failure
Activate or
Deactivate the FRU
cmmset -l bladeN -d fruactivation -v [0-1] Success or Failure
Table 111. Example CLI Commands (Sheet 2 of 3)
Use Case CLI Command Return