MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 203
Application Hosting
22.3.3 Interrupt Constraints
User applications should not use interrupts. All interrupts are reserved for use by the CMM
22.4 RAM Disk Directory Structure
The following directories are stored on a RAM-disk. These directories store information critical to
the CMM and are size constrained. These directories should not be modified in any way.
/usr – Executables including the CMM executables (/usr/local/cmm/bin). Also contains some
libraries and temp files.
/lib - Shared library files and drivers
/bin – Linux binary files like ping, mount
/dev – Device driver files
/proc – Special linux area that contains info about memory, drivers, etc.
/root – Empty root user area.
/sbin – Binary files like ifconfig, route
/tmp – Empty
/var – Temp location for log files and other temp files.