40 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
5.3 Re-enumeration of M5 FRU
If, during re-enumeration, the CMM discovers that a FRU is requesting for deactivation (State
M5), it denies the request and informs the FRU to go back to Active (M4) state if there is no
frucontrol script present (refer to Section 18.5, “FRU Control Script” on page 169). Otherwise, the
CMM executes the frucontrol script and lets it handle the deactivation of the FRU.
5.4 Resolution of EKeys
During re-enumeration, the CMM determines the status of EKeys of the Boards present in the
chassis. If there are interfaces which can be enabled with respect to other end-point, the CMM
completes the EKeying process as per Section 14.1. If there are EKeys enabled to a slot but CMM
was unable to discover a Board in that slot, it assumes that the Board in that slot is in M7
(Communication Lost) state.
5.5 Events Regeneration
The Re-enumeration agent sends out the "Set Event Receiver" command to all the Entities in the
chassis. On receiving the command, the Entities re-arm event generation for all their internal
sensors. This will cause them to transmit the event messages that they have based on the current
event conditions. These events will be logged in the SEL.
Note: The regeneration of events may cause events to be logged into the SEL twice. This could result in
configured eventaction scripts running twice.
During the process of identifying the chassis content, once the CMM determines that the Entity is a
fantray, it automatically sets the fan speeds to the critical level. The speeds are not brought back to
normal level until it has determined that there are no thermal events in the chassis.