116 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Health Events
“Failover cannot occur because the other CMM is not
responding over its management bus.”
0x0E3 227 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the critical items have not been
0x0E4 228 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the other CMM has a bad
hardware signal.”
0x0E5 229 OK
“Failover occurred because the active CMM had older firmware
than the newly active CMM."
0x0F0 240 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the Standby is not present.” 0x0F1 241 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the standby has an older version
of the firmware.”
0x0F2 242 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the Standby failover state
discovery is not finished.”
0x0F3 243 OK
"Failover occurred because it was initiated by Process
0x018F 399 OK
Table 42. CMM Synchronization (Sheet 1 of 2)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
“Could not copy the /etc/CMM.cfg file to the standby CMM." 0x0E6 230 OK
“Could not copy the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files to the
standby CMM.”
0x0E7 231 OK
“Default password files synced to active CMM. Passwords have
been reset to default.”
0x0E8 232 OK
“Could not copy the /etc/sel_* files to the standby CMM.” 0x0E9 233 OK
“Could not copy the /etc/snmpd.conf and /etc/var/snmpd.conf
files to the standby CMM.”
0x0EA 234 OK
“Could not copy the SDR file to the standby CMM.” 0x0EB 235 OK
“Could not copy the /etc/scripts directory to the standby CMM.” 0x0EC 236 OK
“All files successfully synced.” 0x0ED 237 OK
"Could not copy the PmsSync.ini file to the standby CMM." 0x0EE 238 OK
“Could not copy the cmm.ini file to the standby CMM.” 0x0F4 244 OK
“Could not copy the command privilege file to the standby CMM.” 0x0F5 245 OK
“Could not copy the command prompt file to the standby CMM.” 0x0F6 246 OK
“Could not copy the login message files to the standby CMM.” 0x0F7 247 OK
“Could not copy the SDR repository information to the standby
0x0F8 248 OK
“Could not copy the EKEY information to the standby CMM.” 0x0F9 249 OK
“Could not copy the power and hotswap information to the
standby CMM.”
0x0FA 250 OK
Table 41. CMM Failover (Sheet 2 of 2)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal