MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 115
Health Events
11.4.2 CMM Location
Table 39. CMM Redundancy
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
"Regained" 0x0D0 208 OK
"Established" 0x0D1 209 OK
"Lost due to switch failure" 0x0D2 210 Major
"Lost due to unhealthy signal" 0x0D3 211 Major
"Lost due to CMM removal" 0x0D5 213 Major
"Lost due to CMM reboot or halt" 0x0D6 214 Major
"Lost due to critical event on the CMM" 0x0D7 215 Major
"Lost due to inability to communicate with the other CMM over its
management bus."
0x0D8 216 Major
"Lost due to incompatible firmware versions on the CMMs.
Please upgrade the CMMs to the same version."
0x0EF 239 Major
Table 40. CMM Trap Connectivity (CMM [1-2] Trap Conn)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
“Regained” 0x0D0 208 OK
"Lost due to failed network connectivity between the CMM and
the Primary SNMP trap destination (SNMPTrapAddress1)."
0x0D4 212 Major
Table 41. CMM Failover (Sheet 1 of 2)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
“Failover occurred." 0x0D9 217 OK
“Failover occurred because of switch failure.” 0x0DA 218 OK
“Failover occurred because of failed network connectivity
between the CMM and the Primary SNMP trap destination.”
0x0DB 219 OK
“Failover occurred because of critical CMM health events.” 0x0DC 220 OK
“Failover occurred because of a bad hardware signal from the
other CMM.”
0x0DD 221 OK
“Failover occurred because it was forced by the user.” 0x0DE 222 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the other CMM has a bad
0x0E0 224 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the other CMM has lost network
connectivity with its Primary SNMP trap destination.”
0x0E1 225 OK
“Failover cannot occur because the other CMM has critical
health events.”
0x0E2 226 OK