224 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
FRU Update Utility
26.9 Using the Location Switch
The location switch allows valid cmmget and cmmset locations to be specified in other commands.
The location can also be an IPMB address of the device, such as ‘0x20’. If access to a FRU on a
device other than the FRU at the logical device ID 0, they can specify the device ID after the
location name, separated by a colon. For example, “-l blade3:1” would access the FRU at logical
device ID 1 on blade3.
The location can also include a bus address. The bus address is needed to access the correct power
supply in a CompactPCI* chassis if the IPMB address is used instead of the location name. When
the bus is defined, the location and device ID must also be defined. For example, “-l 0x54:0:26”
would access IPMB address 0x54, device ID 0, on IPMB bus 26.
Table 100. FruUpdate Utility Command Line Options
(Short Name)
Update (u)
Name of the configuration file to use for the
update process. (Required)
Specifies the update configuration file to
Name of the .FRU or .BIN file to use for the
forced recovery process. (Required)
Specifies the name of the FRU file to use
for a forced recovery. This requires the
‘location’ switch to be supplied as well.
Data from the target FRU is not preserved
when updated this way.
Location (l)
Location of the target device for the force and
view commands. Formatted as
The location name is required and should
match a valid location in the system or the
IPMB address of the FRU.
If no device ID is supplied, 0 is used.
If no bus is supplied, 0 is used and the utility
will determine the correct bus.
Specifies the location to use for force, view,
get, and dump commands; not valid with
the ‘update’ switch.
Inventory (i) None
Get the FRU version inventory of the
targeted update FRU configuration file.
Requires the ‘update’ option to supply the
file. This provides a means to test a
configuration file by listing the files that
would be used in the FRU update without
modifying the system FRU contents.
Username is required, Password is optional,
and if not supplied, the utility will prompt for it
and echo ‘*’s instead of the characters.
This gives the username and password for
authenticating a connection.
View (v)
The name of the input file to view; can be
binary or an ASCII FRU file. If the extension is
‘.fru’ the file is considered to be an ASCII FRU
file. (Optional)
View the contents of the FRU; this will
decode as many fields as possible in the
FRU. This ‘location’ switch is optional and
is not allowed if the parameter is supplied.
Get (g)
The name of the binary output file to create.
Get the contents of the FRU and write them
to a file. This requires the ‘location’ option
also be specified. The contents of the FRU
are validated as they are read, and no file is
created if the FRU is invalid.