214 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Updating CMM Software
— Exit if error occurs
7. Validate that .zip file matches checksum in .md5 file
— Exit if no match
8. Unzip the .zip file in the package directory on ramdisk
9. Validate that all files in the unzipped package match the md5 checksum in the validationFile.
— Exit if any files fail
10. Validate that the package matches the CMM platform ("cpci" or "atca")
— Exit if mismatch
11. Transition to Update Mode
— Call any user supplied scripts in /home/update/scripts/K*
— A call to /etc/rc.d/init.d/userScripts stop
— Shutdown CMM apps (/etc/rc.d/init.d/cmm stop)
— Copy /etc to /usr/local/cmm/temp/update/etc
— Unmount /etc and /home
— Exit if any of these filesystems cannot be unmounted
12. Update Components (listed in UpdateMetadata file)
— If a component update fails
Stop updating components
Attempt to remount /etc and /home
Exit the update process, but do not reboot
— If the component is "etc_jffs" then
Remount /etc and /home
Call any user supplied scripts in /home/update/scripts/S*
Process saveList - copying files and directories from /usr/local/cmm/temp/update/etc
to /etc
13. If the process has been successful so far then
— Remount /etc and /home
— Update the /etc/versions file - backing up the old one as "/etc/versions.<version>"
— Copy the update.log file from ramdisk to /etc/cmm/update.log
— Reboot CMM
If an update fails to complete, the CMM will not load the application stack upon rebooting. The
following message will be displayed upon failure:
Startup of CMM applications has terminated due to detection of an
inconsistent software load.
The software update must be executed again to solve the problem.