MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 43
Process Monitoring and Integrity
• PmsGlobal
Target for PMS global data
• PmsProc[#]
Target for each process monitored
• PmsPie[#]
Target for each PMS PIE
Use the following CLI command to view the targets for the processes being monitored.
cmmget -l cmm -d listtargets
The particular processes being monitored will be listed (e.g., PmsProc23, PmsProc100). To view
the name of the process being monitored use the following example command:
cmmget -l cmm -t PmsProc34 -d ProcessName
Table 5, “Processes Monitored” contains the list of processes monitored and the command lines
and the target names. The ProcessName dataitem will return the Process Command Line.
6.4 Process Monitoring Dataitems
The following dataitems are used to retrieve information on and configure the Process Monitoring
Service (used with PmsGlobal or PmsProc[#] targets on the cmm location).
• AdminState
• RecoveryAction
• EscalationAction
• ProcessName
• OpState
More information on the usage and descriptions of these dataitems can be found in Section 8, “The
Command Line Interface (CLI)” on page 71.
6.4.1 Examples
The following example will set the global PMS AdminState to locked:
cmmset -l cmm -t PmsGlobal -d AdminState -v 2
The following example will get the recovery action assigned to a monitored process:
cmmget -l cmm -t PmsProc34 -d RecoveryAction
The following example will get the admin state to a PIE:
cmmget -l cmm -t PmsPie176 -d AdminState