146 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Table 63. Cmm Location ( (Sheet 1 of 3)
OID Object Syntax Access Value
1 softwareVersion DisplayString read-only The version of the CMM software.
2 cmmRedundancy DisplayString read-only cmm redundancy information.
3 rmcpEnabled INTEGER read-write
Enable or disable the RMCP Service:
disable(0), enable(1)
4 cmmGrantedBoardEkeys DisplayString read-only
Get the Ekeys that have been granted
to the location.
5 cmmTotalFrus DisplayString read-only display the total number of FRUs.
6 cmmPICMGProperties DisplayString read-only
7 cmmDeviceID DisplayString read-only
8 cmmPresence INTEGER read-only
Used to find out if a location is present
in the chassis.1 - Present 0 - Not
9 cmmListTargets DisplayString read-only
Used to find out what targets are
available on a location (e.g., getting the
list of sensors in the chassis).
10 cmmListDataItems DisplayString read-only
Used to find out what data items are
available on a target or location.
11 cmmHealth INTEGER read-only
Health information about a particular
location. This will be one of the
following: (0-OK, 1-Minor, 2-Major, 3-
12 cmmHealthEvents DisplayString read-only
Events that contribute to the health of
the location. This is a list of events
happening on the location.
13 cmmSNMPEnable INTEGER read-write
Used to set or query SNMP trap
enabled status.
14 -
CmmSNMPTrapAddressN IP Address read-write
The IP address of the machine that will
receive SNMP traps from a location.
19 cmmSNMPTrapCommunity DisplayString read-write
SNMP community name (max 64
20 cmmSNMPTrapVersion DisplayString read-write v1 or v3
21 cmmSNMPTrapPort DisplayString read-write SNMP trap port.
22 cmmFaultLEDColor DisplayString read-write
Get/Set the color of the fault/health LED
on the CMM fronted FRUsto be used
when an error is reported. Values:
“amber” or “red”.
23 cmmAlarmCutoff INTEGER read-write
The Telco Alarm cutoff. When enabled,
it silences the Telco alarm for active
events and blinks the event LEDs on
the CMM. This dataitem is only valid
when used with the cmm as the location
and is used to set the alarm cutoff or
get its value. 1 - Set, 0 - Clear.