16 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Introduction 1
1.1 Overview
The Intel
MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module is a 4U, single-slot CMM
intended for use with AdvancedTCA* PICMG* 3.0 platforms. This document details the software
features and specifications of the CMM. For information on hardware features for the CMM refer
to the Intel
NetStructure™ MPCMM0001 Hardware Technical Product Specification. Links to
specifications and other material can be found in Appendix B, “Data Sheet Reference.”
The CMM plugs into a dedicated slot in compatible systems. It provides centralized management
and alarming for up to 16 node and/or fabric slots as well as for system power supplies, fans and
power entry modules. The CMM may be paired with a backup for redundant use in high-
availability applications.
The CMM is a special purpose single board computer (SBC) with its own CPU, memory, PCI bus,
operating system, and peripherals. The CMM monitors and configures IPMI-based components in
the chassis. When thresholds (such as temperature and voltage) are crossed or a failure occurs, the
CMM captures these events, stores them in an event log, sends SNMP traps, and drives the Telco
alarm relays and alarm LEDs. The CMM can query FRU information (such as serial number,
model number, manufacture date, etc.), detect presence of components (such as fan tray, CPU
board, etc.), perform health monitoring of each component, control the power-up sequencing of
each device, and control power to each slot via IPMI.
Assumptions: This document assumes some basic Linux* knowledge and the ability to use Linux
text editors such as vi.
1.2 Terms Used in this Document
Table 1. Glossary (Sheet 1 of 2)
Acronym Description
BIST Built-In Self Test
CDM Chassis Data Module
CLI Command Line Interface
CMM Chassis Management Module
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
FFS Flash File System
FIS Flash Image System
FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
HS Hot Swap
IPMI Intelligent Platform Management
IPMB Intelligent Platform Management Bus