254 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Unrecognized Sensor Types
Event Data 2 and 3 – (2 bytes) Event data field contents which varies depending on how Event
Data 1’s high nibble is set.
The CMM uses the above 16 bytes of data from a SEL entry to produce human readable output.
There are two general categories that an event can fall into: 1) data that the CMM code base
recognizes, and 2) data that is unrecognized by the CMM.
For unrecognized events the CMM does not have enough encoded knowledge to translate the
event. For instance, all events with a Record Type of OEM timestamped or non-timestamped fall
into this category. In addition, any standard IPMI events that are not currently supported by the
CMM translation code also fall into this category.
Beginning in firmware version 5.2 the CMM has the ability to display and trap both recognized and
unrecognized events.
28.2 System Events— SNMP Trap Support
All CMM generated traps have a standard “header” that is shown below. The first four items (i.e.,
Time, Location, Chassis Serial #, and Board) represent information that does not necessarily have
to come from the event itself. These pieces of information are helpful in tracing the trap back to its
28.2.1 SNMP Trap Header Format
Time : TimeStamp , Location : ChassisLocation , Chassis Serial # :
ChassisSerialNumber , Board : Location
• TimeStamp is in the format: [Day] [Month] [Date] [HH:MM:SS] [Year]. For example, Thu
Apr 14 22:20:03 2005
• ChassisLocation is the chassis location information recorded in the chassis FRU.
• ChassisSerialNumber is the chassis serial number recorded in the chassis FRU.
• Location is the location where the sensor generating the event is located (i.e., CMM)
The next portion can be controlled by a CMM variable to turn it on or off. This section provides the
text interpretation of the event.
28.2.2 SNMP Trap ATCA Trap Text Translation Format
Sensor : SDRSensorName , Event : HealthEventString , Event Code :
• SDRSensorName: The name given to the sensor in the Sensor Data Record (SDR).
• HealthEventString: The CMM's translation of the event.
• EventCodeNumber: A hexadecimal number that uniquely defines the event. This will be in
the format x%X.
The final portion that an SNMP Trap might contain is the “raw” portion of the trap. This reports the
original sixteen bytes of the System Event as ASCII upper case hex bytes.