MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 133
Fan Control and Monitoring
statuses. At any moment the Cooling Manager can only operate at one temperature status, it is
called the current temperature status. The four temperature statuses are normal, minor, major and
critical. The Cooling Manager changes its current temperature status depending on what, if any,
temperature events it has received. Here is how the Cooling Manager determines its current
temperature status.
• Normal– There is currently no asserted temperature event.
• Minor– There is at least one asserted minor temperature event.
• Major— There is at least one asserted major temperature event.
• Critical— There is at least one asserted critical temperature event.
The user can read the temperature status with the following command:
cmmget –l cmm –d temperaturelevel
16.5 CMM Cooling Table
When the Cooling Manager’s current temperature status changes it also changes the fantray’s
current cooling level. The Cooling Manager uses a mapping table called the cooling table to map
each temperature status to a cooling level.
When the current temperature status changes the Cooling Manager retrieves the cooling level
corresponding to that temperature status. It then changes the fantray’s current cooling level to that
Two of the cooling levels in the cooling table can be configured by the user, however there are
This data structure is synchronized between the active and standby CMMs.
16.5.1 Setting Values in the Cooling Table
There are commands for assigning cooling levels to the normal and minor temperature statuses in
the cooling table.
To assign a cooling level to the normal level of fantrayN, the following command is used:
cmmset –l fantrayN -d normallevel –v [cooling level]
To assign a cooling level to the minor level of fantrayN, the following command is used:
cmmset –l fantrayN -d minorlevel –v [cooling level]
Table 57. CMM Cooling Table
Sample Cooling
Critcal 100 No
Major 100 No
Minor 76 Yes
Normal 72 Yes