
MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 65
Process Monitoring and Integrity
6.10.2 Process Integrity Executable
The name, including its path and command line arguments, of the PIE to be executed periodically.
This is used to start the program and may, in the future, be used to monitor the program and
therefore must be an exact match to how the program is represented in the OS. The program name
and command line arguments will all be space separated with the program name being the first
entry in the string. If an individual argument contains spaces, the argument must be encapsulated in
quotation marks. The program name and arguments will uniquely identify the entry. This means if
the same program is started multiple times with different arguments, each of them will require a
separate entry. Each PIE will likely have PIE specific options that can be specified through the
command line. This options must be included in the arguments to the "ProcessIntegrityExecutable"
ProcessIntegrityExecutable = ./PmsPieSnmp
6.10.3 Unique ID
This is a unique identifier for the executable and its arguments. It is essentially the short version of
the "Process Integrity Executable" field above. It is used for logging and CSL access.
Va lue s:
0 = Reserved
1 = PMS Monitor (global)
2 = PMS Shadow
3 = PMS Monitor (for shadow monitoring)
4-9 = Reserved
10-150 = CMM processes
151-175 = User processes
176-200 = PIEs
201-255 = Reserved
Default: None.
UniqueID = 176
6.10.4 Administrative State
The PIE administrative state determines if the PIE will be restarted at the next interval.
Values: 1 - unlocked (enabled), 2 - locked. Default: 1. (dynamic)
AdminState = 1