MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 117
Health Events
“Could not copy the FRU manager information to the standby
0x0FB 251 OK
“Could not copy the IPMB state information to the standby
0x0FC 252 OK
“Could not copy the user LED information to the standby CMM.” 0x0FD 253 OK
“Could not copy the cooling state information to the standby
0x0FE 254 OK
“Could not copy the sensors state information to the standby
0x0FF 255 OK
"Could not copy the PmsShadowSync.ini file to the standby
0x01A2 418 OK
Table 43. BIST Event Strings (Sheet 1 of 2)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal
“Event-log area full.” 0x071 113 Critical
“RedBoot image corrupted. Using golden image.” 0x072 114 Major
“Backup RedBoot image corrupted.” 0x073 115 Critical
“FPGA image corrupted. Using backup image.” 0x074 116 Major
“Backup FPGA image corrupted.” 0x075 117 Critical
“OS image corrupted.” 0x076 118 Critical
“Base memory test failed.” 0x077 119 Critical
“Extended memory test failed.” 0x078 120 Critical
“FPGA1 firmware outdated.” 0x079 121 Minor
“FPGA2 firmware outdated.” 0x07A 122 Minor
“FPGA 1+2 version mismatched.” 0x07B 123 Minor
“RTC date is invalid.” 0x07C 124 Major
“RTC time is invalid.” 0x07D 125 Major
“RTC is not working.” 0x07E 126 Critical
“One of the Ethernet interfaces is not working.” 0x07F 127 Minor
“Both Ethernet interfaces are not working.” 0x080 128 Major
“CMM Boot.” 0x081 129 OK
“IPMB bus [0-29] busy/not ready.”
0x082 -
130-159 Major
“Software update successful.” 0x0A0 160 OK
“Update of RedBoot failed.” 0x0A1 161 Critical
“Update of FPGA failed.” 0x0A2 162 Critical
“Update of Bluecat OS failed.” 0x0A3 163 Critical
Table 42. CMM Synchronization (Sheet 2 of 2)
Event String
Event Code
Event Severity
Hex Decimal