
56 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Process Monitoring and Integrity
ExcessiveRebootOrFailoverInterval = 21600
6.9.2 Process Specific Data
This data applies to a specific process running on the CMM. There will be one set of this data for
each process.
The following information describes each of the fields in the process specific section. Process Section Name
The section name MUST follow the pattern "PmsProcessXXX" where XXX is a number from 010
to 175 inclusive. PmsProcess section names must be unique but are NOT significant in any other
way. Specifically, they are NOT required to match the UniqueID field for the section.
[PmsProcess151] Unique ID
This is a unique identifier for the program and its arguments. It is essentially the short version of
the "Process Name and Arguments" field above.
Valu es:
0 = Reserved
1 = PMS Monitor (global)
2 = PMS Shadow
3 = PMS Monitor (for shadow monitoring)
4-9 = Reserved
10-150 = CMM processes
151-175 = User processes
176-200 = PIEs
201-255 = Reserved
Default: None.
UniqueID = 151 Chassis Applicability
This is a list of chassis types for which this particular Uid is valid. The list is comma delimited.
Spaces are ignored. If this key is not present, then the Uid is valid on all chassis.
Values: MPCHC0001, ZT5085, ZT5088, ZT5089, ZT5090, ZT5091.
ChassisApplicability = MPCHC0001, ZT5085, ZT5088, ZT5089, ZT5090, ZT5091 Process Name and Arguments
This string contains the program name including its path and its associated command line
arguments. This field will be used to monitor a program and therefore must be an exact match to
how the program is represented in the OS. The program name and command line arguments are