Additional Conferencing Information
Polycom®, Inc. 221
Permanent Conference
A Permanent Conference is any ongoing conference with no pre-determined End Time continuing until it is
terminated by an administrator, operator or chairperson.
● Resources are reserved for a Permanent Conference only when the conference has become
● Resources are allocated to a Permanent Conference according to the Reserve Resources for Video
Participants field. If the number of defined dial-out participants exceeds the value of this field, the
Collaboration Server automatically replaces the number in the Reserve Resources for Video
Participants field with the number of defined dial-out participants in the Permanent Conference.
● Auto Terminate is disabled in Permanent Conferences.
● If participants disconnect from the Permanent Conference, resources that were reserved for its video
and audio participants are released.
● Entry Queues, Conference Reservations and SIP Factories cannot be defined as Permanent
● Additional participants can connect to the conference, or be added by the operator, if sufficient
resources are available.
● The maximum size of the Call Detail Record (CDR) for a Permanent Conference is 1MB.