Address Book
Polycom®, Inc. 299
Endpoint Website
(IP only)
Click the Endpoint Website hyperlink to connect to the internal website of the
participant’s endpoint. It enables you to perform administrative, configuration and
troubleshooting activities on the endpoint.
The connection is available only if the IP address of the endpoint’s internal site is
defined in the Website IP Address field.
Note: Endpoint Website hyperlinks are not supported when the Collaboration Server
1500/2000/4000 is in Ultra Secure Mode. For more information see Ultra Secure
Dialing Direction Select the dialing direction:
• Dial-in – The participant dials in to the conference. This field applies to IP
participants only.
• Dial-out – The MCU dials out to the participant.
• Dial-out is forced when defining an ISDN/PSTN participant.
Type The network communication protocol used by the endpoint to connect to the
conference: H.323, or SIP or ISDN/PSTN.
The fields in the dialog box change according to the selected network type.
IP Address
(H.323 and SIP)
Enter the IP address of the participant’s endpoint.
• For H.323 participant define either the endpoint IP address or alias.
• For SIP participant define either the endpoint IP address or the SIP address.
For Collaboration Servers registered to a gatekeeper, the Collaboration Server can be
configured to dial and receive calls to and from H.323 endpoints using the IP address
in the event that the Gatekeeper is not functioning.
Note: This field is hidden for ISDN/PSTN participants.
Participant Number
Enter the phone number of the ISDN/PSTN participant.
Note: This field is only displayed when the ISDN/PSTN protocol is selected.
Alias Name/Type
(H.323 Only)
If you are using the endpoint’s alias and not the IP address, first select the type of
alias and then enter the endpoint’s alias:
• H.323 ID (alphanumeric ID)
• E.164 (digits 0-9, * and #)
• Email ID (email address format, e.g. abc@example.com)
• Participant Number (digits 0-9, * and #)
• Although all types are supported, the type of alias is dependent on the gatekeeper’s
capabilities. The most commonly supported alias types are H.323 ID and E.164.
• This field is used to enter the Entry Queue ID, target Conference ID and
Conference Password when defining a cascaded link.
• Use of the E.164 Number is dependent on the setting of the
REMOVE_IP_IF_NUMBER_EXISTS System Flag. For more information see
Substituting E.164 Number in Dial String.
• This field is removed from the dialog box when the ISDN/PSTN protocol is selected.
New Participant - General
Field Description