
Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom®, Inc. 825
General - <Error message from the SSL library>.
Certificate Validation
The credentials of each certificate received from a networked peer are verified against a repository of
trusted certificates. Each networked entity contains a repository of trusted certificates. The digital signature
of the certificate’s issuing authority is checked along with the certificate’s expiration date.
Validation of peer SIP TLS certificates against one or several installed CA certificates can be enabled or
disabled for the Default Management and each defined IP Service by selecting or clearing the Skip
certificate validation check box.
The check box is checked by default to Skip certificate validation for user logging session and no validation
of expiration, CA signature or CRL/OCSP checking is performed.
Clearing the check box enables full validation requires that there be at least one CA certificate in the
certificate repository, failing which a message At least one CA certificate should be
installed is displayed.