Defining Cascading Conferences
Polycom®, Inc. 248
5 Click OK.
The new Entry Queue enabling cascading is created.
Creating the Dial-out Cascaded Link
The dial-out link (participant) is created or added in the linked conference (Conference A). The dial-out string
defined for the participant is the dialing string required to connect to the destination conference (Conference
B) Entry Queue defined on the MCU hosting the destination cascaded conference. The dial-out participant
can be defined in the Address Book and added to the conference whenever using the same
cascade-enabled Entry Queue and a destination conference (with the same ID and Password).
To define the Dial-out Cascaded Link:
1 Display the list of participants in the linked conference (Conference A).
2 In the Participant List pane, click the New Participant button.
The New Participant - General dialog box is displayed.
3 In the Name field, enter a participant name.
4 In the Dialing Direction field, select Dial-out.
5 In the Type list field, verify that H.323 is selected.
6 There are two methods to define the dialing string:
a Using the MCU’s IP Address and the Alias string - see Method A.