
Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom®, Inc. 851
MS Active Directory Integration
It is possible to configure direct interaction between the Collaboration Server and Microsoft Active Directory
for Authentication and Authorization of Management Network users.
The following diagram shows a typical user authentication sequence between a User, Collaboration Server
and Active Directory.
Directory and Database Options
Ultra Secure Mode
Internal Collaboration Server database and Active Directory
Authentication is first attempted using the internal Collaboration Server database. If it is not successful
authentication is attempted using the Active Directory.
Standard Security Mode
Internal Collaboration Server database + External Database
First authentication is via the internal Collaboration Server database. If it is not successful, authentication is
via the External Database.
Internal Collaboration Server database + External Database + Active Directory
Management Logins
First authentication is via the internal Collaboration Server database. If it is not successful,
authentication is via the Active Directory.
Conference Queries (Chairperson Password, Numerical ID etc.)
First authentication is via the internal Collaboration Server database. If it is not successful,
authentication is via the External Database.