Network Security
Polycom®, Inc. 539
RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 Multiple Services Configuration
RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 Rear Panel with LAN and PRI cables shows the cables
connected to the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 rear panel, when one RTM ISDN and
three RTM LAN cards are installed providing IP and ISDN connectivity. The RTM ISDN card can be used
for both ISDN and IP calls and only one IP network Service is associated with each RTM/LAN card.
RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 Rear Panel with LAN and PRI cables
In this case, up to four different IP Network Services can be defined - one for each RTM LAN/RTM ISDN
cards installed in the system.
If two LAN ports per each installed RTM LAN card are used, up to three additional Network Services can be
defined, bringing it to a total of up to 7 IP Network Services.
Several cards can be assigned to the same IP Network Service. The definition of the network services
attached to the Collaboration Server unit and which cards are assigned to each network service is defined
in the IP Network Service.