Defining Cascading Conferences
Polycom®, Inc. 228
Possible Cascading Topologies
The following cascading topologies are available for setting cascading conferences:
● Basic Cascading - only two conferences are connected (usually running on two different
RealPresence Collaboration Servers). The cascaded MCUs reside on the same network.
● Star Cascading - one or several conferences are connected to one master conference. Conferences
are usually running on separate MCUs. The cascaded MCUs reside on the same network.
● MIH (Multi-Hierarchy) Cascading - several conferences are connected to each other in
Master-Slave relationship. The cascaded MCUs can reside on different networks.
System configuration and feature availability change according to the selected cascading topology.
Basic Cascading
In this topology, a link is created between two conferences, usually running on two different MCUs. The
MCUs are usually installed at different locations (states/countries) to save long distance charges by
connecting each participant to their local MCU, while only the link between the two conferences is billed as
long distance call.
● This is the only topology that enables both IP and ISDN cascading links.
● When linking two conferences using an IP cascading link:
The destination MCU can be indicated by:
IP address
H.323 Alias
Both MCUs must be located in the same network.
● The MCU can be used as a gateway.
● The configuration can include two RealPresence Collaboration Servers or one RealPresence
Collaboration Server and one MGC.
● Multiple Cascade Links enabling Cascading between RMXs hosting conferences that include
Immersive Telepresence Rooms (ITP) such as Polycom’s OTX and RPX Room Systems can be
defined. For more information see Creating Multiple Cascade Links Between Telepresence
For properly share content in cascaded conferences, predefined dial in and out link participants must
be defined with Master/Slave settings in the conferences.
When Cascading between the Collaboration Server and third party MCUs, the participant defined in
the Collaboration Server conference must be defined as Master.
When cascading between the Collaboration Server and a Codian MCU, set the system flag
ENABLE_CODIAN_CASCADE to YES to ensure that the Collaboration Server is defined as a Master
in cascading conferences at all times.