Polycom®, Inc. 7
The following table lists the Collaboration Server features that are only supported with MPMRx cards
(RealPresence Collaboration Servers 2000 and 4000 only).
General RealPresence Collaboration Server Supported Features
Audio-Video ratio adaptation
Supported. Not supported.
CP conferencing maximum
line rate
CP conferencing line rate is limited to
Maximum AVC-CP conferencing line
rate: 6Mbps.
RMX1800-0 maximum AVC-CP
conferencing line rate: 4Mbps.
Features Supported with MPMRx Card Configuration Mode
Feature Name Description
HD1080p60 Symmetric HD1080p60 Resolution is symmetric.
HD1080p30/60 Content Content is supported at resolutions of HD1080p30 and HD1080p60 in both
H.264 Base and High Profiles.
An additional check box H.264 High Profile and additional rate values in the
Content Rate drop-down menu have been added to the Video Quality dialog
6Mbps The RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1800 supports AVC-CP
conferences at a line rates up to and including 6Mbps.
RMX1800-0 maximum AVC-CP conferencing line rate: 4Mbps.
Features Supported in RealPresence Collaboration Server
Feature Name Description
Scalable Video Coding (SVC) Scalable Video Coding (SVC) Conferencing, based on the SVC video protocol
and SAC audio protocol.
SVC Conferencing offers high resolution video conferencing with low
end-to-end latency, improved Error Resiliency and higher system capacities.
w448 Resolution support Improves interoperability with Tandberg MXP 990/3000 endpoints providing
these endpoints the resolution of W448p (768x448 pixels) at 25fps.
HD H.264 Content and H.264
Content for Cascading links
Enables conference participants to receive higher quality Content in both
standard conferences and cascaded conferences.
Site Names Additional controls over the display of site names in the conference Profile.
Interactive Video Forcing Participants in ongoing conferences can be interactively forced to a Video
Window in the conference layout by using Drag and Drop.
Video Preview H.264 High Profile is supported with Video Preview.
Features dissimilar between MPMx/MPMRx Card Configuration Modes
Feature MPMx MPMRx (and RMX 1800)