Appendix A - Disconnection Causes
Polycom®, Inc. 896
ISDN Disconnection Causes
SIP server error 505 The SIP server sent a SIP Server Error 505 (Version Not Supported)
The server does not support, or refuses to support, the SIP protocol
version that was used in the request.
SIP temporarily not available The participant's endpoint was contacted successfully but the
participant is currently unavailable (e.g., not logged in or logged in such
a manner as to preclude communication with the participant).
SIP remote device did not respond in the
given time frame
The endpoint did not respond in the given time frame.
SIP trans error TCP Invite A SIP Invite was sent via TCP, but the endpoint was not found.
SIP transport error Unable to initiate connection with the endpoint.
SIP unauthorized The request requires user authentication.
SIP unsupported media type The server is refusing to service the request because the message
body of the request is in a format not supported by the requested
resource for the requested method.
ISDN Disconnection Causes
Number Summary Description
1 Unallocated (unassigned
No route to the number exists in the ISDN network or the number was
not found in the routing table.
• Ensure that the number appears in the routing table.
• Ensure that it is a valid number and that correct digits were dialed.
2 No route to specified transit
network (national use)
The route specified (transit network) between the two networks does
not exist.
3 No route to destination No physical route to the destination number exists although the dialed
number is in the routing plan.
• The PRI D-Channel is malfunctioning.
• Incorrect connection of the span or WAN.
4 Send special information
Return the special information tone to the calling party indicating that
the called user cannot be reached.
5 Misdialed trunk prefix
(national use)
A trunk prefix has erroneously been included in the called user number.
6 Channel Unacceptable The sending entity in the call does not accept the channel most
recently identified.
Call Disconnection Causes
Disconnection Cause Description