Administration and Utilities
Polycom®, Inc. 720
ServiceH323 Integer Indicates the status of H.323 capabilities:
1 - The service is enabled and operational.
2 - The service is enabled but is not operational.
3 - The service is disabled.
ServiceSIP Integer Indicates the status of SIP capabilities:
1 - The service is enabled and operational.
2 - The service is enabled but is not operational.
3 - The service is disabled.
ServiceISDN Integer Indicates the status of SIP capabilities:
1 - The service is enabled and operational.
2 - The service is enabled but is not operational.
3 - The service is disabled.
RsrcAllocMode Fixed/Flexible The resource allocation method which determines how the
system resources are allocated to the connecting endpoints.
McuSystemStatus Integer System State.
FanStatus Boolean Status of the hardware fan.
PowerSupplyStatus Boolean Status of the power supply.
IntegratedBoardsStatus Boolean Status of the integrated boards.
UltraSecureMode Boolean Indicates whether the RMX is operating in Ultra Secure Mode.
ChassisTemp Integer The temperature of the chasis.
NumPortsUsed Integer Number of ports currently in use.
NewCallsPerMinute Integer New calls in the last minute.
ScsfNewCallsPerMinute Integer Successful new calls in the last minute.
FldNewCallsPerMinute Integer Failed new calls in the last minute.
PctScsflNewCalls Integer Percentage of new calls in the last minute which were
CallsEndedScsflPerMin Integer Number of calls in the last minute which ended with a success
CallsEndedFailedPerMin Integer Number of calls in the last minute which ended with a failure
CallsEndedScsfl Integer Number of calls in the last minute which ended with a success
CallsEndedFailed Integer Number of calls in the last minute which ended with a failure
NumActvCnfrncs Integer Number of active conferences.
Unified MIB SNMP Fields
Name Type Description