System Configuration Flags
Polycom®, Inc. 788
G728_ISDN Enables or disables declaration of G.728 Audio Algorithm capabilities in
ISDN calls.
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
H239_FORCE_CAPABILITIES When the flag is set to NO, the Collaboration Server only verifies that the
endpoint supports the Content protocols: Up to H.264 or H.263.
When set to YES, the Collaboration Server checks frame rate, resolution
and all other parameters of the Content mode as declared by an endpoint
before receiving or transmitting Content.
Default: NO.
Determines the minimum content rate (in kbps) required for endpoints to
share H.264 high quality content via the Content channel When Content
Setting is Graphics.
Range: 0-1536
Default: 128
Determines the minimum content rate (in kbps) required for endpoints to
share H.264 high quality content via the Content channel When Content
Setting is Hi Resolution Graphics.
Range: 0-1536
Default: 256
Determines the minimum content rate (in kbps) required for endpoints to
share H.264 high quality content via the Content channel When Content
Setting is Live Video.
Range: 0-1536
Default: 384
H323_FREE_VIDEO_RESOURCES For use in the Avaya Environment.
In the Avaya Environment there are features that involve converting
undefined dial-in participants’ connections from video to audio (or vice
versa). To ensure that the participants’ video resources remain available for
them, and are not released for use by Audio Only calls, set this flag to NO.
If set to YES, the Collaboration Server will release video resources for
Audio Only calls.
Default: YES.
If set to YES (default in Ultra Secure Mode):
• Conference and Chairperson Passwords that are displayed in the
Collaboration Server Web Client or RMX Manager are hidden when
viewing the properties of the conference.
• Automatic generation of passwords (both conference and chairperson
passwords) is disabled, regardless of the settings of the flags:
For more information see Automatic Password Generation Flags.
Default: NO.
Manually Added, Modified, Deleted System Flags
Flag Description