Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom®, Inc. 841
Password Length
The length of passwords is determined by the value of the MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH System Flag.
● Possible flag values are between 0 and 20.
● A System Flag value of 0 means this rule is not enforced, however this rule cannot be disabled when
the Collaboration Server is in Ultra Secure Mode.
● In Ultra Secure Mode, passwords must be at least 15 characters in length (default) and can be up to
20 characters in length.
● If the MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH flag is enabled and the password does not meet the required
length the error Password is too short is displayed.
If the minimum password length is increased, valid pre-existing passwords remain valid until users are
forced to change their passwords.
Implementing Password Re-Use / History Rules
Users are prevented from re-using previous passwords by keeping a list of previous passwords. If a
password is recorded in the list, it cannot be re-used. The list is cyclic, with the most recently recorded
password causing the deletion of the oldest recorded password.
● The number of passwords that are recorded is determined by the value of the
PASSWORD_HISTORY_SIZE System Flag. Possible values are between 0 and 16.
● A flag value of 0 means the rule is not enforced, however this rule cannot be disabled when the
Collaboration Server is in Ultra Secure Mode.
● In Ultra Secure Mode, at least 10 passwords (default) and up to 16 passwords must be retained.
If the password does not meet this requirement, the error New password was used recently is
Defining Password Aging
The duration of password validity is determined by the value of the PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_DAYS
System Flag.
● Passwords can be set to be valid for durations of between 0 and 90 days.
● If the System Flag is set to 0, user passwords do not expire. The System Flag cannot be set to 0 when
the Collaboration Server is in Ultra Secure Mode.
● In Ultra Secure Mode, the minimum duration can be set to 7 days and the default duration is 60 days.
The display of a warning to the user of the number of days until password expiration is determined by the
● Possible number of days to display expiry warnings is between 0 and 14.
● If the System Flag is set to 0, password expiry warnings are not displayed. The System Flag cannot
be set to 0 when the Collaboration Server is in Ultra Secure Mode.
● In Ultra Secure Mode, the earliest warning can be displayed 14 days before passwords are due to
expire and the latest warning can be displayed 7 days before passwords are due to expire (default
● If a user attempts to log in after his/her password has expired, an error is displayed: User must
change password.