Defining Cascading Conferences
Polycom®, Inc. 266
b Using only the Alias string (requires a gatekeeper) - Method B
Method A
This method does not used a gatekeeper.
In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the MGC hosting the destination conference (Master
In the Alias Name/Type field, enter the ID of the cascade-enabled Entry Queue (EQ), the Conference
ID and Password of the destination conference (Master Conference) as follows:
<EQ ID>##<Destination Conference ID>##<Password> (Password is optional).
Method B
This method uses a gatekeeper.
In the Alias Name field, enter the MGC Prefix as registered in the gatekeeper, EQ ID, Destination
Conference ID, and Password, as follows:
<MGC Prefix EQ ID>##<Conference ID>##<Password> (Password is optional)
7 Click the Advanced tab and in the Cascade field, select the Slave option.