System Configuration Flags
Polycom®, Inc. 776
SYSTEM_LISTENING_VOLUME This value is used when the system flag
Determines the default audio level with which the participants connects and
receives audio from the conference.
The volume scale is from 1 to 10, where 1 is the weakest and 10 is the
strongest. The default value is 5. Each unit change represents an increase
or decrease of 3 dB (decibel).
Range: 1-10
Default: 5
ULTRA_SECURE_MODE When set to YES enables the Ultra Secure Mode. When enabled, affects
the ranges and defaults of the System Flags that control:
• Network Security
• User Management
• Strong Passwords
• Login and Session Management
• Cyclic File Systems alarms
Default: NO
For a list of flags affected when the Ultra Secure Mode is enabled, see
System Flags affected by Ultra Secure Mode.
When set to YES the Gatekeeper Prefix is included in the DTMF input
string enabling PSTN participants to use the same input string when
connecting to an Collaboration Server whether the Collaboration Server is
a standalone MCU or part of a DMA solution deployment.
Possible Values: YES / NO
Default: NO
For more information see PSTN Dial-in Using GK Prefix.
USER_LOCKOUT If YES, a user is locked out of the system after three consecutive Login
failures with same User Name. The user is disabled and only the
administrator can enable the user within the system.
Default: NO (in Ultra Secure Mode: YES)
For details, see User Lockout
Defines the duration of the Lockout of the user.
Value: 0 - 480
0 means permanent User Lockout until the administrator re-enables the
user within the system.
Default: 0
Defines the time period during which the three consecutive Login failures
Value: 0 - 45000
0 means that three consecutive Login failures in any time period will result
in User Lockout.
Default: 60
Flag Description