System Configuration Flags
Polycom®, Inc. 799
SET_AUDIO_CLARITY Audio Clarity improves received audio from participants connected via low
audio bandwidth connections, by stretching the fidelity of the narrowband
telephone connection to improve call clarity. The enhancement is applied to
the following low bandwidth (4kHz) audio algorithms:
• G.729a
• G.711
• Guidelines
This flag sets the initial value for Audio Clarity during First-time Power-up.
Thereafter the feature is controlled via the New Profile - Audio Settings
dialog box.
Possible Values: ON / OFF
Default: OFF
For more information see Defining New Profiles.
SET_AUDIO_PLC Packet Loss Concealment (PLC) for Siren audio algorithms improves
received audio when packet loss occurs in the network.
The following audio algorithms are supported:
• Siren 7 (mono)
• Siren 14 (mono/stereo)
• Siren 22 (mono/stereo)
Possible Values: ON / OFF
Default: ON
Note: The speaker’s endpoint must use a Siren algorithm for audio
SET_AUTO_BRIGHTNESS Auto Brightness detects and automatically adjusts the brightness of video
windows that are dimmer than other video windows in the conference
layout. Auto Brightness only increases brightness and does not darken
video windows.
This flag sets the initial value for Auto Brightness during First-time
Power-up. Thereafter the feature is controlled via the New Profile - Video
Quality dialog box.
Possible Values: YES / NO
Default: NO
For more information see Defining New Profiles.
If the ACCEPT_VOIP_DTMF_TYPE flag is set to 0 (Auto) this flag
determines the interval, in seconds after which the Collaboration Server will
accept both DTMF tones (inband) and digits (outband).
Default: 120
Manually Added, Modified, Deleted System Flags
Flag Description