Appendix A - Disconnection Causes
Polycom®, Inc. 899
70 Only Restricted Digital
Information Bearer
Capability is Available
(national use)
Unrestricted (64kb) bearer service has been requested but is not
supported by the equipment sending this cause.
79 Service or Option Not
Implemented, Unspecified
An unsupported service or unimplemented option has been requested.
No other disconnection cause applies.
81 Invalid Call Reference
A message has been received which contains a call reference which is
currently unassigned or not in use on the user-network interface.
82 Identified Channel Does
Not Exist
A request has been received to use a channel which is currently
inactive or does not exist.
83 A Suspended Call Exists,
but This Call Identity Does
Not Exist
A RESUME message cannot be executed by the network as a result of
an unknown call identity.
84 Call Identity in Use A SUSPEND message has been received with a call identity sequence
that is already in use.
85 No Call Suspended A RESUME message cannot be executed by the network as a result of
no call suspended.
86 Call Having the Requested
Call Identity Has Been
A RESUME message cannot be executed by the network as a result of
the call having been cleared while suspended.
87 User Not Member of CUG A CUG member was called by a user who is not a member of the CUG
or a CUG call was made to a non CUG member.
88 Incompatible Destination User-to-user compatibility checking procedures in a point-to-point data
link have determined that an incompatibility exists between Bearer
90 Non-Existent CUG CUG does not exist.
91 Invalid Transit Network
Selection (national use)
The transit network selection is of an incorrect format. No route (transit
network) exists between the two networks.
95 Invalid Message,
Invalid message received. No other disconnection cause applies.
96 Mandatory Information
Element is Missing
A message was received with an information element missing.
97 Message Type
Non-Existent or Not
A message was received that is of a type that is not defined or of a type
that is defined but not implemented.
98 Message is Not Compatible
with the Call State, or the
Message Type is
Non-Existent or Not
An unexpected message or unrecognized message incompatible with
the call state has been received
ISDN Disconnection Causes
Number Summary Description