Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook®
Polycom®, Inc. 400
Microsoft Outlook Field Usage table below summarizes the Collaboration Server’s usage of Microsoft
Outlook data fields included in the meeting invitation.
Connecting to a Conference
Participants can connect to the conference in the following ways:
● Participants with Polycom CMA/RealPresence Desktop™ or a Microsoft Office Communicator client
running on their PCs can click on a link in the meeting invitation to connect to the meeting.
Microsoft Outlook Field Usage
Outlook Field
Usage by the Collaboration Server / RealPresence DMAsystem
Conference / Meeting Room Gathering Slide
Subject Display Name of Conference / Meeting
Meeting Name.
Start/End Time Used to calculate the Conference’s Duration.
Record Enable Recording in the Conference or
Meeting Room Profile.
Display Recording option.
Video Access
Comprised of: <MCU Prefix in
Gatekeeper> <Conference
Numeric ID>.
Note: It is important that MCU Prefix in
Gatekeeper field in the Collaboration
Server’s IP Network Service -
Gatekeeper tab and the Dial-in prefix
field in the Polycom Conferencing
Add-in for Microsoft Outlook - Video
Network tab contain the same prefix
If Recording and Streaming are enabled
in the Conference Profile, this number
is used as part of the recording file
Displayed as the IP dial in number
in the Access Number section of
the Gathering Slide.
Audio Access
ISDN/PSTN dial-in number.
Up to two numbers are supported.
Displayed as the ISDN/PSTN
dial-in number in the Access
Number section of the Gathering
recording link
Enables the recording of the
conference to the Polycom
RealPresence Capture Server or
RSS systems
using the recording link.
Enables streaming of the recording of
the conference from the Polycom
RealPresence Capture Server or
RSS systems
If recording is enabled, a REC
indicator is displayed in the top left
corner of the slide.