Start a Conference
Polycom, Inc. 372
New Conference - General tab parameters
Field Description
Display Name The Display Name is the conferencing entity name in native language character sets to
be displayed in the RP Collaboration Server Web Client.
In conferences, Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues and SIP factories the system
automatically generates an ASCII name for the Display Name field that can be
modified using Unicode encoding.
English text uses ASCII encoding and can contain the most characters (length varies
according to the field).
• European and Latin text length is approximately half the length of the maximum.
• Asian text length is approximately one third of the length of the maximum.
The maximum length of text fields also varies according to the mixture of character
sets (Unicode and ASCII).
Maximum field length in ASCII is 80 characters.
If the same name is already used by another conference, Meeting Room or Entry
Queue, the Collaboration Server displays an error message requesting you to enter a
different name.
Note: This field is displayed in all tabs.
Duration Define the duration of the conference in hours using the format HH:MM (default 01:00).
Note: This field is displayed in all tabs.
Permanent Conference Click this check box to make this conference a Permanent Conference: an ongoing
conference with no pre-determined End Time, continuing until it is terminated by an
administrator, operator or chairperson. For more information see Audio Algorithm
Note: This field is displayed in all tabs.
Routing Name Routing Name is the name with which ongoing conferences, Meeting Rooms, Entry
Queues and SIP Factories register with various devices on the network such as
gatekeepers and SIP servers. This name must be defined using ASCII characters.
Comma, colon and semicolon characters cannot be used in the Routing Name.
The Routing Name can be defined by the user or automatically generated by the
system if no Routing Name is entered as follows:
• If ASCII characters are entered as the Display Name, it is used also as the Routing
• If a combination of Unicode and ASCII characters (or full Unicode text) is entered as
the Display Name, the ID (such as Conference ID) is used as the Routing Name.
If the same name is already used by another conference, Meeting Room or Entry
Queue, the Collaboration Server displays an error message and requests that you
enter a different name.
Profile The system displays the name of the default Conference Profile. Select the required
Profile from the list.
The Conference Profile includes the conferencing mode, conference line rate, media
settings and general settings.
For a detailed description of Conference Profiles, see Using Conference Profiles.