System Configuration Flags
Polycom®, Inc. 790
When LPR is initiated by an endpoint in an AVC-CP conference due to
experienced packet loss, the MCU reduces video rate (minimum is 64K) to
avoid exceeding bandwidth.
At times, further reduction is required to preserve the bandwidth, which is
regulated by this system flag.
Set this flag valustep e to YES, to enable H.323 endpoints to reduce their
content rate or LPR strength as follows:
• For single MCU conferences:
VSW content - Drop content rate upon packet loss condition.
Transcoding - Drop content rate upon packet loss condition for the
protocol used by the endpoint experiencing the packet loss.
• For cascaded conferences:
VSW content - Decrease LPR strength (from 5% to 2%).
If packet loss occurs at one of the local endpoints
, drop content rate
upon packet loss condition for the protocol used by the endpoint
experiencing the packet loss.
If packet loss occurs at the cascaded link
, Decrease LPR strength
(from 5% to 2%).
If you set this flag to NO, the content rate is not reduced, and MCU packet
loss protection is guaranteed for 5%.
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
• No system restart is required for this flag new value to take effect.
• This flag should not be set to YES in systems using TIP conferencing.
MS AV MCU Cascade deployment supports HD1080p30 video resolution
according to the settings of this flag only if Video Optimized mode is
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
•NO—Video streams sent to and received from the MS AV MCU are
HD720p30, SD, and CIF.
• YES—Video streams sent to the MS AV MCU are HD1080p30, SD, CIF.
Video streams received from the MS AV MCU are 720p30,SD, and CIF.
For more information see Video Resource Requirement Selection in Lync
2013 AVMCU Cascade.
Manually Added, Modified, Deleted System Flags
Flag Description