
Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom®, Inc. 830
If the check box is unchecked and the Global Responder or the Responder Specified in the
Certificate does not respond for any reason the certificate is considered revoked.
If CRL is selected:
If the check box is checked and the CRL of the specific CA is not loaded, all Certificates are
the CA are not considered revoked.
If the check box is unchecked and the CRL of the specific CA is not loaded, all Certificates
are the CA are considered revoked.
Skip Certificate Validation for OSCP Responder
No Certificate Validation is performed.
System Flag:
Should intermittent login problems occur when logging in to the Collaboration Server’s Management
Network, the OCSP_RESPONDER_TIMEOUT system flag can be manually added to system.cfg
and its value set to the number of seconds the Collaboration Server is to wait for an OCSP response
from the OCSP Responder before failing the connection.
Default: 3 (seconds)
Range: 1-20 (seconds)
Self-signed Certificate
In compliance with UC APL requirements, PKI Self-signed Certificates are supported for the both the Default
Management and IP Network Services.
A mixture of Self-signed and CA-signed Certificates is supported, however a CA-signed certificate will
always override a Self-signed Certificate.
Self-signed Certificate Creation
Self-signed Certificates are created during:
Initial system start-up before any CA-signed Certificates have been installed.
IP Network Services creation.
Network Services updates that result in Host Name changes.
Daily validity checks of Self-signed Certificates.
Backup and Restore of the system configuration
Self-signed Certificate field values are automatically inserted when the certificate is created: