System Configuration Flags
Polycom®, Inc. 786
EXTERNAL_DB_DIRECTORY Applicable to the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX)
1500/2000/4000 only.
The URL of the external database application. For the sample script
application, the URL is:
<virtual directory>/SubmitQuery.asp
EXTERNAL_DB_IP Applicable to the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX)
1500/2000/4000 only.
The IP address of the external database server, if one is used.
EXTERNAL_DB_LOGIN Applicable to the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX)
1500/2000/4000 only.
The login name defined for the Collaboration Server in the external
database server.
Default: POLYCOM
EXTERNAL_DB_PASSWORD Applicable to the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX)
1500/2000/4000 only.
The password associated with the user name defined for the Collaboration
Server on the external database server.
Default: POLYCOM
EXTERNAL_DB_PORT Applicable to the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX)
1500/2000/4000 only.
The external database server port used by the Collaboration Server to send
and receive XML requests/responses.
For secure communications set the value to 443.
Default: 5005.
When set to YES, the cascaded link is automatically set to Full Screen
(1x1) in CP conferences forcing the speaker in one cascaded conference to
display in full window in the video layout of the other conference.
Set this flag to NO when connecting to an MGC using a cascaded link, if the
MGC is functioning as a Gateway and participant layouts on the other
network are not to be forced to 1X1.
Default: YES
Manually Added, Modified, Deleted System Flags
Flag Description