Appendix B - Active Alarms
Polycom®, Inc. 912
The system has been configured for
Ultra Secure Mode, but communication
is not secured until a TLS certificate is
installed and the MCU is set to
Secured Communication.
Although the System Flag ULTRA_SECURE_MODE is set to YES, the
Ultra Secure Mode is not fully implemented as the TLS certificate was not
installed. Please install the TLS certificate and set the MCU to Secured
Communication Mode to fully enable the Enhanced Security
Unable to connect to Exchange Server.
User Name SUPPORT cannot be used
in Enhanced Security Mode
Version upgrade is in progress
Voltage problem Possible reasons for the problem:
• Card voltage problem.
• Shelf voltage problem.
• Voltage problem
Warning: Upgrade started and SAFE
Upgrade protection is turned OFF
Yellow Alarm Problem sending/receiving data from/to network. Check the cables.
Active Alarms
Alarm Code Alarm Description