Administration and Utilities
Polycom®, Inc. 700
The ratio of resources in a mixed conference is one AVC HD (720p30) video resource to three SVC video
resources, meaning for each AVC HD video resource, three SVC video resources can be allocated.
For example, in a mixed AVC/SVC conference, 10 HD AVC ports and 30 SVC ports can be used,
maintaining ratio of one HD port to three SVC ports.
The following diagram illustrates the amount of AVC to SVC port resources that are used in a mixed
AVC/SVC conference:
Resource Usage in Mixed CP and SVC Conferencing
AVC Conferencing - Video Switching Resource Capacity
During a Video Switching conference, each endpoint uses one video (CIF) port.
The following table summarizes the resource capacities of fully configured MCUs with the various card types
per line rate in VSW Conferencing mode.
Port Consumption Ratios of Different Calls
Card Type/
HD1080p60 HD1080p30 HD720p30 AVC SD AVC CIF Audio SVC
mixed CP and
N/A 3 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.3333
mixed CP and
N/A 3 1.5 0.75 0.75