
Polycom®, Inc. 522
Defining ISDN/PSTN Network Services
To enable the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) to function within ISDN/PSTN network
environments, network parameters must be defined for the ISDN/PSTN Network Service.
The configuration dialog boxes for both these network services are accessed from the RMX Management
pane of the RMX Web Client or RMX Manager.
ISDN/PSTN Network Services Overview
To enable ISDN and PSTN participants to connect to the MCU, an ISDN/PSTN Network Service must be
defined. A maximum of two ISDN/PSTN Network Services, of the same Span Type (E1 or T1) can be
defined for the Collaboration Server. Each Network Service can attach spans from either or both cards.
Most of the parameters of the first ISDN/PSTN Network Service are configured in the Fast Configuration
Wizard, which runs automatically if an RTM ISDN card is detected in the Collaboration Server during first
time power-up. For more information, see Procedure 1: First-time Power-up in the Polycom RealPresence
Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/1800/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide.
Note: DSP Cards
RealPresence Collaboration Servers (RMX) 1800 support ISDN/PSTN only with 3 DSP cards
installed, and with built-in ISDN hardware.
RealPresence Collaboration Server 1800-0 does not utilize DSP cards and does not support
ISDN/PSTN connections.