RMX Manager Application
Polycom®, Inc. 669
To Export the RMX Manager Configuration:
1 In the RMX Manager, click Export RMX Manager Configuration in the toolbar, or right-click
anywhere in the MCUs pane and then click Export RMX Manager Configuration.
The Export RMX Manager Configuration dialog box opens.
2 Click Browse to select the location of the save file, or enter the required path in the Export Path
The selected file path is displayed in the Export Path box.
3 Click OK to export the RMX Manager configuration.
To Import the RMX Manager Configuration:
1 In the RMX Manager, click Import RMX Manager Configuration in the toolbar, or right-click
anywhere in the MCUs pane and then click Import RMX Manager Configuration.
The Import RMX Manager Configuration dialog box opens.
2 Click the Browse button to select the saved file, or enter the required path in the Export Path box.
The Open dialog box is displayed.
3 Select the XML file previously saved, and click the Open button.
The selected file path is displayed in the Import Path box.
4 Click OK to import the file.